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22.08.2020, The Oz Report

21.08.2020, The Oz Report

Julia Burlachenko writes about day 1:
Very week day after heavy rains. Hope today will be better.
Task 1 Results:


Yevgen Bublyk
Aeros Comabt 12.4 GT

Evgen Lysenko
Aeros Combat C12.7

Ivan... mehr
21.08.2020, The Oz Report
Yesterday we published a satellite photo of the smoke from the
fires at around 8 PM showing the smoke being pushed to the northeast by strong
winds. This morning the winds are light and you can see the smoke throughout the
west except for the coastal areas in Oregon and Washington. Click to view high
resolution version.
21.08.2020, The Oz Report

Click for high resolution version. Around 8 PM Mountain Daylight Time. sun is red as I watch here in Boise, Idaho, as it heads for the horizon. mehr
21.08.2020, The Oz Report

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var eh=embed_##.replace(/^.* height="(\\\\d+)".*$/i,'$1'),ew=embed_##.replace(/^.* width="(\\\\d+)".*$/i,'$1'),ew2=640;
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20.08.2020, The Oz Report

Apparently a task was flown, but no results reported. mehr
20.08.2020, The Oz Report
Scot Huber writes:
I heard it through the grape vine. It costs nearly $1000 to get
your world record recorded. At least this is what Willy Dydo told me Owen Morse
told him it costs. I was there the day Willy looked like he would beat Owens
record.Owen and Jamie showed up at the finish point at Bartlett below Walts Point.
Apparently the New... mehr
19.08.2020, The Oz Report
19.08.2020, The Oz Report
19.08.2020, The Oz Report
19.08.2020, The Oz Report
18.08.2020, The Oz Report

The first day of the competition was interrupted due to dangerous
storm clouds over Kobarid, rain on the competition route and wind direction
Alexandra Serebrennikova writes:
Task 1 of Kobala Open 2020 was cancelled in the air. Interesting
sky in the beginning, a chance of overdevelopment... mehr
18.08.2020, The Oz Report
17.08.2020, The Oz Report
17.08.2020, The Oz Report

Joerg Ewald writes:

We just released software version 19.1 for the Volirium P1. This version fixes a
bug in 19.0 where in some cases, the synchronization between internal and
external memory failed, resulting in loss of IGC and/or Google Earth files.To ensure that you have a valid recording of all your flights, we highly
recommend you... mehr
16.08.2020, The Oz Report
Competition web site (in French):

Results:ésultats-des-compétitions-2020 mehr
16.08.2020, The Oz Report
Jochen Zeischka <<jochenzeischka>>
The advance notice does not replace the need for an official
The official observer does much more than just receiving your task declaration.
He/she also inspects your flying equipment, for example. To make sure you are
actually flying a legitimate hang glider corresponding to... mehr
14.08.2020, The Oz Report
FAI - Record officer <<record>>
Type of record : Speed over a triangular course of 100 km
Course/location : Brussels, Ontario (Canada)
Performance : 60.00 km/h
Pilot : Armand Acchione (USA)
Aircraft : Swift Light / Aeriane
Date : August 7th, 2020
Current record : 53.73 km/h (August 30th, 2002 - Robin Hamilton, United... mehr
14.08.2020, The Oz Report
Martin Henry <<gliding>>
From the Sporting Code:
3.3.1. Advance notice
Advance notice is required for all record attempts, except at the competitions
where FAI officials are present and proper arrangements have been made to
control the attempt. The pilot must make the record attempt declaration to his
NAC prior to taking... mehr
13.08.2020, The Oz Report
Competition web site (in French):
Risk of thunderstorms, high winds, the pilots and safety
committees decide to cancel the round. The Lachens option is also rejected
(difficulties to launch an interesting round).

Live tracking:
Results: ... mehr
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