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Flying Friday at Marshall

After a good day on Thursday I headed back to Marshall on Friday
given the even better forecast from Rob McKenzie (
The fact that there was supposed to be a northwest wind (at only 7 mph according
to the NWS), didn't seem to mean that it would cause much trouble to this south
facing site. Apparently it is only the north east winds (the Santa Anas) that
cause the launch to be unlaunchable.

The inversion was only at about 600' over launch and very visible from launch.
The edges of the marine/smog air here in the LA area are so distinct. Rob claims
that it is just moisture (here in the desert).

I chose to fly the Wills Wing T2 - 144 that Rob has loaned to me to check out
and see what it flies like. I've got a report coming out in the blog on Monday.

The ridge a couple of ridges over to the west seems to produce the most
consistent thermals as it faces right into the afternoon sun (we went up on the
12:30 PM shuttle). There is a steep canyon on is west side that is rock lined
and hot from the direct sun light. I've been consistently finding thermals at
500' or 800' below launch and climbing up in them, to 600' over launch on

The thermals are small and start off at <100 fpm, but the first one I found grew
to 400 fpm as I got over the top of the top of the ridge and above launch. They
are consistent, meaning that you can stay in the lift for the full turn, as long
as you turn tight enough.

Of course, as we are just trying to stay up there is not a chance to really go
cross country, although the T2 did give me a chance to get around more than the

I love hanging really close to the hillsides and working very weak light. It
feels safe and I can check out the hawks and what they are diving for.

Not a bad way to spend an afternoon in November.
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