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Cloud 9 - flying in more sweet air and landing on mowed lawns

... Could there be anything more fun than drifting in 0-50 fpm and then landing at the golf driving range? ...

Over the weekend Cloud 9 was packed with locals and Jamie Shelden was up from Quest Air looking forward to the sweet air I've been talking about. The forecast on Saturday was for good lift at 2 PM and poor lift later, we could see the clouds coming from the northwest. When I got let off the second time (after a first tow through nothing but sink) the band of clouds and shade was right next to us, but we still managed to fly under the overcast for the next hour in the ever so light lift, getting over 5,000' MSL.

Lightweight Jamie got over all of rest of us, even the pilot on the AIR ATOS V (Mark P's old glider) who got towed up through all of us to over 3,500'. I'd be embarrassed to hold to the rope for anything over 2,000' AGL. I'm embarrassed to hold on to anything over 600' AGL if I'm in lift. We all landed back at the sod farm that is Cloud 9.

On Sunday, the sun came out and the cu' came out with it around 2 PM. I got off first at 1,200' AGL (held on through lift at 800') and climbed out to 5,000'. There were little cu's every where and folks flew all over. I tried a 50 km triangle to the north, but went down early. I landed at a driving range (no one was hitting balls when I came in and used the little flags to tell me the wind direction). I'm in training for Zapata and the WRE.

Students came later in the day to Cloud 9 and by 8:30 PM (it is light until 9:15 PM) they were scooter towing with a big Condor. Great to see this scooter tow operation in operation.

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