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The bad boys (and girls) at CIVL

... Why are they the perfect fall guys? ...

Okay, so the minutes from the CIVL Plenary have been out for a while now, and
I've really had nothing to say about them. Often I think it is best just to
ignore "our betters." Let the little Napoleans command their minions and stay as
far away as possible. Of course, as the meet director for the 2007 Class 1
Worlds at Big Spring, I'll be having plenty of opportunities to interact with
them (hopefully in a friendly manner) soon enough (August). Why did I ever agree
to do this?

One of the things we asked for was to allow us to have meet officials (including
yours truly) out on the course flying with the competitors to help better assess
the conditions and to be spies, making sure folks don't go into clouds (this is
abig deal for us and for CIVL). The CIVL Bureau kept saying no, no no.

But we weren't the only ones asking for this. Godfrey was there in Manilla
asking for the same thing (air marshals) for the same reasons. And he got the
Australian CIVL rep to bring out mutual concerns to the Plenary (which can
override the Bureau).

Sure enough reason prevailed, sort of. Sure Godfrey can have his air marshals. 
But somehow we can't. Here's how it went down:

Proposal about event officials flying the course line – (Agenda
Item 30)

Up to three designated air marshals should be allowed to fly the course line
provided they satisfy the eligibility criteria of entrants and excluding the
meet director and the safety director. Original proposal amended to cover
trialing the system at specified events: The European HG test competition in
Greifenburg and the PG World Championships at Manilla.
Results will be
reviewed and discussed at the next plenary before it is allowed in any other

Now ain't the dangest thing? You got to wonder why we were
specifically excluded from this trial, perhaps for personal reasons.

As I mentioned earlier:

CIVL President pointed out no bids had been received for the 2009
World HG (Class 1) Championships. Flip Koetsier asked the Plenary, in accordance
with Internal Regulations, paragraph 3.6.4, to approve that the Bureau should
find a suitable bid. It was passed. Stephane Malbos asked if it was too late to
find also an organiser for a 2008 combined hang glider Class 2, Class 5, Women's
World Championships. Flip indicated it was not out of the question if a suitable
organiser could be found, who was prepared to move fast to fix a test event for
this year (2007).

Perhaps CIVL should start being the Worlds organizer. Or they
should stop doing hang gliding Worlds all together and such do Europeans.
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