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Recommendations for the 2015 Worlds

1. Purchase SeeYou to do the tasks (displays optimized task

2. Display the tasks in SeeYou and Google Earth.

3. Figure out how to automatically convert SeeYou tasks to Google Earth for

4. Create 20-30 possible tasks in advance (Miguel’s recommendation).

5. As the weather is very consistent perhaps do the task the evening before.

6. Pilot weather and task briefing at 9 AM before going up to launch in a closed
auditorium with projector display.

7. Have marked fields along the course lines for bail out fields checked out in
advance and displayed with the task.

8. Reduce the weather information to just a few XCSkies – NAM charts, less is
more. Plus a little on the big picture. Put in English.

9. Lay out the setup zone to make sure that pilots can proceed to the corridor
in their order and not have to go behind pilots with higher setup/launch

10. Lay our more setup spots nearest to the launch.

11. Add additional spots at the launch area. Have all the spot all set up a week
before the competition begins. Display large map in the headquarters and up top
to show where the setup spots are.

12. Keep all cars (Red Bull and ambulance) down by the toilets. Just one control
car behind launch with radio control.

13. Trash bags for garbage not just PET and organic.

14. Live tracking with tracking instruments rented and given to pilots each day.
Charged each night. Collected at goal and in headquarters (assign staff to this

15. Publish track logs each day.

16. Publish results in full in HTML on the web site (not just links). Don’t use
PDF. (get full access to your own web site). Publish provisional results at
night after downloading.

17. GAP parameters – 90 km, 2 hours, 25%, 5 kilometers.

18. Really work on start cylinder designations so that pilots in the start
circle can avoid the worst turbulence.

19. Advise pilots in advance that the conditions are quite cold at altitude,
that hypoxia is quite possible here, that turbulence is to be expected, and that
landing options are restricted. Perhaps recommended minimum heights at various
points along the task legs. Many pilots will not be familiar with the area. Put
maps and advice on the web site. Get a write up from Zac and others about how to
fly here for the web site.

20. Vans from Mexico city to Valle. Agata to coordinate pilot arrivals with
vans. A web page up with projected pilot arrivals to allow others to choose
which flights to come in on. Work with AeroMexico on glider transport. Tell
pilots far in advance to come with AeroMexico. Work with the team leaders on

21. Same task committee as this year.

22. Continue with the great helpers who helped pilot move their gliders and get
them into the corridor. Have this staff do other jobs also.

23. Control to have a list of all the team frequencies, not have to look them
up. Control have the safety committee members frequencies right on top.

24. Stop the tasks at 6 PM (not 5:15 PM).

25. Downloads in the goal field. Just USB. Plenty of landing forms there also.

26. Have Trudy come back to wrangle pilots at the setup area and in the goal.
She gets them in the right setup spot and gets their landing forms completed.

27. Reformat and rewrite the local regulations so that they are much shorter.
They are too long for a pilot to read. Follow the Section 7A guidelines to just
make them very brief.

28. Cylinder goals only. 400 meters. No need for end of speed sections.

29. Jeep for CIVL reps.

30. More tasks up by Toluca.

31. Tasks near the volcano. (Get more waypoints up there)

32. Make sure pilots know the report in frequency and phone number and the
retrieval freq and number. Make sure that they know to call both.

33. Phones and SIM cards available for Mexico in advance so that pilots can make
reservations for them.

34. Love the idea of the hostess – concierge. Have her not rely on Rudy but lay
out what she can do.

35. Correct GAP scoring formula – the CIVL recommended (GAP 2002).

36. Bicycle rental recommendations (Pablo’s) in Avandaro (as I’ve heard).

37. Team leader meetings as required at 9 PM at headquarters.

38. Rest day after every four days of continuous flying.

39. Always have the van go to the nearest pilot to pick them up (don’t say no
we’ve got another van coming).

40. Video of pilot landings at goal to put on Youtube every night to shame
pilots into keeping their speed up. Smile

41. Recommendation for drogue chutes.

42. Coordinated list of safety call ins – one list.

43. Pilot foot launch training. Make a video to display to pilots during the
competition. Perhaps on continuous loop in the goal.

44. On line registration
include everything that was in paper registration so that you have it already.
Do e-registration not paper at the headquarters on the registration day for
those not previously registered (although that should not be necessary at a

45. Waypoints downloadable in multiple formats (GPX, KML, CUP, WPT) from the web
site. (Wish there was a quick and dirty way for pilots to put their own pilot
number and CIVL number waypoints in their GPSes.)

46. Reduce all the waypoints to those appropriate for hang gliding adding Rudy’s

47. No need for pilot waypoint download unless they haven’t downloaded from the
web site, but have the first task download inject the pilot number and CIVL
number into the pilot’s GPS. Separate the GPS downloading from the registration

48. Spreadsheet of pilot info ready the night before the first practice task or
first task to allow creation of setup list. (Including glider make, model and

49. Hang glider description and sponsorship info from the pilot registration in
the scoring program from the first day. (I believe that CIVL is going to make
this easier.)

50. Appropriate pilot lists for Control.

51. 18 set up on launch. Move the spectator control barriers back two feet.

52. Top 20 (not just 10) reversed for launch order.

53. 15 early bird slots. (Launches go very quickly.) There is always an implied
push with ordered launch. (Change local regulations for this.)

54. Leave early bird slots open until 9 AM. Pilot can sign up before then.

55. Actual paid staff to do the job Trudy did as a volunteer (tell pilots where
to set up, collect landing forms in the goal).

56. Paid staff to download in the goal field, instead of relying on Jamie as a

57. Short pilot briefing on top with daily prize and any changes to the task.

58. Require proof of health/medical insurance or require purchasing medical
insurance at the competition. Explain on the web site in advance how the
hospitals work in Mexico and what is required to be paid for.

59. Only two ambulances (and a few EMT’s). This is not a paragliding meet. Don’t
focus on this issue. Put your attention on other issues. We don’t need to be
pulled out of trees every day by the helicopters. One is enough.

60. Put up picture (SeeYou display) of the task each morning on the web.
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