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13.06.2007, The Oz Report

... They've had some big flights lately up north ...

Tomas Danielsson writes:
From July 9 to July 14 the Swedish Nationals are taking place at Karlskoga airport. This competition is open for all pilots. If you are interested to come and... mehr
13.06.2007, The Oz Report

... Did Kris Grzyb set the US FAI triangle record at 200 km? ...

Kris Grzyb <> writes:
FAI Triangle 125 miles (200 km). June 9, 2007 near Chicago, IL.
Finally we had nice weather here in the Midwest. After double checking the BLIP Maps my... mehr
13.06.2007, The Oz Report

... I remember Jim did this a couple of times in Washington state ...
James D Reynolds writes:
I have decided to quit teaching and thus have lots of stuff... mehr
12.06.2007, Entflogen
Im Jahr 2005 haben Unfälle in der Schweiz 4,3 Milliarden Franken gekostet. mehr
12.06.2007, The Oz Report

... The Labor Day fly in. ...

Paul Voight at Fly High writes:
Tony Covelli (Ellenville flight park owner) and the Southern New York Hang Glider & Paraglider club will host a fun fly-in for both Hang Gliders and Paragliders from... mehr
12.06.2007, The Oz Report

... Four go flying ...

JOHN VERNON j. writes:
Four Phantoms under a British spring sky (we did fly) at Firle on the South Downs where Cookie started and ended his record breaking out and return:
Discuss Phantoms at the Oz Report forum... mehr
12.06.2007, The Oz Report

... The video ...

Billo writes:
A little raw video footage of our new porta-ridge. As you can see, it faces nicely SE and should be quite soarable.

More here.
They are going to try and move it soon. I wish them luck, it was put there by a storm sea on a king tide. It will be a long wait for a... mehr
12.06.2007, The Oz Report

... Oz Report readers may remember my stories in February about the Hunter Valley ...
How we visited the vineyards where the grapes were all desiccated. Of course, then the rains came for the paragliding worlds, but not that much in the Hunter Valley itself. Then the rains came to the... mehr
11.06.2007, Entflogen
Vom Fliegen fasziniert ist Dietmar Knauer(57) seit seiner Kindheit in Dettingen bei Stuttgart: “Meine Eltern haben mir als Fünfjährigem einen Rundflug geschenkt. mehr
11.06.2007, The Oz Report

... Len flies far. ...

Hoag, Grant writes:
The records are already falling at Hurricane, and we haven’t even arrived yet. On Monday Len Clements flew 151 miles into Arizona from Molly’s Nipple, says Hal Hayden!
Is anyone game to try... mehr
11.06.2007, The Oz Report

... Coppertone® Sun Readers ...

Coppertone Sun Readers
Got these for $14.95 at UKroop, a super market in Mechanicsville, Virginia. Flew with them the last day of the East Coast Championship.
I could actually read my Flytec 5030.
They were great!Discuss I can see at the Oz Report forum mehr
11.06.2007, The Oz Report

... Andreas Olsson wins ...

Oggy Ougrinov <> writes:
Two day local competition in the south of Sweden was blessed with 2700 and 2900 m cloudbase. Out and return tasks were flown over the flatlands of Skane. Two trikes towed twelve pilots.... mehr
10.06.2007, The Oz Report

... Ill ...

CJ Sturtevant writes:
Gene Matthews is well known to long-time hang glider and paraglider pilots as Region 1's USHPA director for at least a decade, and as a hang glider pilot for much longer than that. I received an email from... mehr
10.06.2007, The Oz Report

... Wills Wing XC ...

Dan Shell <> writes:
WW XC 155. White upper surface, white l.e., asymmetric blue and green lower surface with XC logo. Chris Smith Cloudbase pod harness, purple. Lee full-face helmet, red. Flytec 4030 Race with... mehr
10.06.2007, The Oz Report

... The big flight ...

William Olive William. writes:
On this day, Saturday 9th of June 1928, Charles Kingsford Smith, Charles Ulm and Americans Harry Lyon and Jim Warner, landed their trimotor Fokker aircraft, the Southern Cross at... mehr
09.06.2007, Entflogen
Der Landeplatz am Montegrappa Air Park in Semonzo ist gesperrt. Die neu ausgewiesene Fläche könnt Ihr euch auf der Montegrappa Airpark Website angucken - oder direkt hier. mehr
09.06.2007, The Oz Report

... The last day is blown out ...
The overall results (including everyone who flew) are found above. On the last day we had north winds (causing rotors off the tree line to the left of the runway), at 15 to 18 knots. No great desire to fly on the part of the competitors. No great desire on the part of the... mehr
08.06.2007, The Oz Report

... The race is not to the swift. ...
The forecast was for westerly winds, around 10 knots. We were supposed to set temperature records at over 95 degrees with very high humidity. It looked like it would be better to be in the air than on the ground.
We called a 89 km dogleg task to the southeast, back to a... mehr
08.06.2007, The Oz Report

... Linda's daughter gets her hang 1 ...
Linda Salamone sends this picture of her daughter, the new pilot:
Discuss New pilot at the Oz Report forum mehr
08.06.2007, The Oz Report

... The bet is on who is first to soar the wrecks ...

Billo writes:
The bet's on for the 1st pilot to launch from Merewether and soar down to the wreck, soar the wreck and land on the beach. Bonus points apply if you can get back to Fort Scratchley.
adam parer mehr
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