Lake Abert
Flight report: Andy, Soham and I took off from Tague's Butte in
Lakeview last weekend to fly Abert rim. Soham launched first and we saw him
getting smacked right off launch as a boomer nearly tumbled him. However, he
later radioed that rim itself was quite smooth. So we gathered our courage and
took off. Luckily, my flight was eventless and was rewarded by some good views
of this beautiful valley.
Our initial plan was to fly north of the lake Abert. However, the lake level was
high and there were no good landing spots visible near the road. So we stayed
south of the lake, as the wind was SW, and flew first 10 miles of the Abert rim.
Later in the afternoon, the whole valley turned buoyant in glass off conditions
and wind shifted west. It was hard to get down. I was at ~10k over the ranch LZ,
when I decided to fly south towards town of Lakeview to get away from this
buoyancy. There was some tricky terrain to cross before the landable fields
started. There wasn't much lift along this route so I landed in a grassy
farmland about 7 miles south.
Many thanks to our local guide and driver Mark Webber for taking us here.