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Montcabrer, 1060 Meter

« Voriges Bild Bild 1 von 4 Nächstes Bild »
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0 Votes, 2102 Hits [doyouwanna, 19.11.2006]
Monte Cabrer.

The road up is blocked by chain.   It leads to the natural reserve, and is not allowed with cars any more.  A walk up of 40 minutes.  And fly with the locals please.
Windsock at landing.
Monte Cabrer.

The road up is blocked by chain. It leads to the natural reserve, and is not allowed with cars any more. A walk up of 40 minutes. And fly with the locals please.
Windsock at landing.
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« Voriges Bild Bild 1 von 4 Nächstes Bild »

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